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How To Paint a Wood Pool Deck: 6 Easy Steps

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A wood pool deck makes your pool look better.  You will be holding parties, family gatherings, etc.  Overtime if you use the wood pool deck a lot – the paint will start to vanish.

If that happens, or if it’s happened already then don’t worry.  You can refinish it and it will look new again. But you will have to spend some time working on it.

Except for free time, you also need some tools to make it happen. Down below we will be explaining how to paint a wood pool deck and what tools you need.

What Tools Do You Need To Paint a Wood Pool Deck?

First things first, you need to have the right tools. You can go two routes when painting the wood pool deck. You can use a paint roller or a paint sprayer.  Both of these tools have their own pros and cons.

I recommend using a paint sprayer for this project. Paint sprayers are faster and will provide a better finish quality. You will complete the project 10x times faster than using a paint roller. However, paint sprayers cost a lot more money. You will have to spend 3x-4x more money.

To cut the expenses in half – you can rent a paint sprayer from your local store for a week. That will cost more than buying a paint roller but at least you will be spending less than buying a paint sprayer.

However, if you think that you have a lot of home painting projects, then investing in a paint sprayer is a good idea. You will be able to complete a lot of projects and make your home look better.

On the other hand – paint rollers are cheaper. But, it will take you longer to complete the project. So it’s a matter of how much free time you have. If you have a lot of time in your hands then spending it on painting a wood pool deck doesn’t sound too bad.

Regardless of which one of these two tools you choose, you should always buy a high-quality one. If you want – here’s an article that we made about the best sprayers for decks.

How To Paint a Wood Pool Deck

After you decide which tool you want to use then it’s time to actually paint the wood pool deck. Here’s how you do it.

1.Clean the Surface

With any paint job, you have to clean the surface before painting it. When it comes to pool decks then you should start with a broom and brush away all the dust and dirt that you can.

Once you see that you have cleaned what you can – then it’s time to move to the power washer. Use the power wash to clean everything.

If you don’t clean the surface before painting, then the results will be awful. The paint won’t be even and you will see a lot of cracks and blemishes.

Learn More — Best Woodworking Paint Sprayer

2. Scrape off Lose Paint

After you clean the surface with a power washer then you need to wait for it to dry. Once the wood pool deck is dried you will see some areas where the paint is starting to peel. Use a paint scraper to remove the remaining paint.

In the areas that you removed the paint, it is important to smooth that area. I recommend using a sander for this.  If you don’t have a sander, then you can use sandpaper and smooth the surface with your hands. 80-100 grit sandpapers will do the job. If your wood pool deck is very large then I recommend buying a sander for paint removal.

3. Repair the Deck

You don’t have to repair the whole deck, but you should fix some things. For example, if you have loose nails then it’s suggested to replace them.

If your wood deck has holes then you have to repair them as well. For this, you should use wood filler. Just take the wood filler with your index finger and start to fill the hole with it.

Once you fill the whole hole, then take the sandpaper and start to sand the surface. Wait for the wood filler to dry and see if you have to smooth the surface more or add more wood filler. If not, then move into the next step.

Learn More — Best Fence Paint Sprayer

4. Apply Primer

Because you have scraped some paint and sanded the wood pool deck that means that you have an uneven wood deck. To make the surface even and fill some holes, you should use a primer.

The primer is needed for any paint job because it helps the paint to stick. Plus it’s a great protective layer against water.  Just fill the paint sprayer with primer and start spraying the whole deck, make sure to not leave any parts out.

5. Apply Paint

After you add the primer, you have to wait for it to dry. Once it dries then you have to add paint. If your paint is too thick then you have to mix it with water to thin it. If you don’t then here’s an article that we wrote on how to thin paints for your paint sprayer.

Add the pain into your sprayer and start spraying. Spray the surface just like you did the primer, make sure to not leave any parts without spraying. Once you are done allow the paint to dry.

If you see areas that the paint didn’t settle properly then you can add another coat of paint and wait for the paint to dry.

6. Apply Sealer

After the paint has dried then you have to apply sealer. You should apply sealer just like you applied primer and paint.

The sealer will protect the deck from water and from wet feet. You can add two layers of sealer if you want better protection ( make sure to not over-do it).

After you added the sealer, you have to wait a day or two before you can use your wood pool deck. If you step too soon, then the paint will not set well, and you have to re-do it. This is how you paint a pool deck.

Final Words

Once you do all the steps, all that is left for you to do is to enjoy your hard work. Knowing how to paint a pool deck is important because you will have to do it every few years.

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