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Scroll saws cut with a short up-and-down motion, in material usually up to about 2 inches thick, similar to a reciprocating type of motion. They consist of a arm containing a motor and holding a thin, needle-like blade a the end of the arm above a work table. The newer models have adjustable blade speeds for cutting complex patterns and using with different material types. Scroll saws are usually benchtop or tabletop sizes and can be rotated 90 degrees for flexible working angles and they can be used by both right-handed and left-handed people.
When looking at a scroll saws, you will want to consider their horizontal cutting capacity, also called the throat size, adjustable blade speeds, blade types of pinned vs. pinless, work table size, and adjustable arm or table. Other features such as a work light and dust blower. With these features, they make completing projects much easier and precise.
There are many types of scroll saws on the market, so it is important to select the right one for the task at hand.
I have listed a sample of my recommended scroll saws below to help you make a decision.

Stay tuned for more articles on Scroll saws coming soon.
In the meantime, if you are new to woodworking or looking to buy your next saw, see my Different Types of Saws post to answer questions about each one.
And if you are on the “fence” about Scroll saws, Band saws, and Table saws, seem my Band Saw vs. Scroll Saw and Band Saw vs. Table Saw posts to answer key questions about these popular types of saws.
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